品質 —


Jiangsu Changkai Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd

Founded in 1986 and changed into a joint-stock company in 2006, it is located at No. 1288 Yihe Road, Yangzhong City, Jiangsu Province. The company has more than 100 employees and is a national high-tech enterprise. The company is a qualified supplier of Sinopec and CNNC. Among them, the invention patent has no solenoid valve, no leakage, high efficiency and energy saving self-priming pump has been approved by the innovation fund of the Ministry of science and technology of the people's Republic of China. The sales volume of patent structure long shaft submerged pump is among the best in SINOPEC. The vertical explosion-proof long shaft submerged pump and explosion-proof submersible sewage pump have obtained the National Certificate.
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Four core Advantages

Sincerely provide you with imported pump localization, pump set mapping and pump energy saving upgrade services.


  • 公司與江蘇大學等科研院校博士、教授組建長凱技術研發設計團隊,擁有二十幾項專利。
  • 其中發明專利無電磁閥無泄漏高效節能自吸泵獲國家科技部創新基金立項。
  • 專利結構長軸液下泵在中國石化集團公司銷售量名列前茅。
  • 立式防爆長軸液下泵、防爆潛污泵均已獲國家頒證。


  • 公司先后通過ISO9001質量管理體系認證、ISO14001環境管理體系認證、OHSAS18001職業健康安全管理體系認證。
  • 公司是中石化合格供應商(易派客信用評級A級)、中核集團合格供應商,中國華電集團級供應商,擁有中石油、中航油、延長石油準入證,在國內外多家特大型企業均有良好的合作業績。


  • 公司嚴格按照質量管理體系、環境管理體系、職業健康安全管理體系操作規程,是安全生產標準化三級企業。
  • 發明專利無電磁閥無泄漏高效節能自吸泵,不僅安全無泄漏,而且結構簡單,高效節能。
  • 防爆長軸液下式離心泵、防爆潛污水泵獲國家頒證,適用多種極端工況,用途廣泛。


  • 全天候響應:24小時電話和郵件響應,2小時內電話回復;
  • 使命必達:12小時內達到承諾,完美服務承諾;
  • 三包承諾:1年內信用三包;
  • 貼心溝通:售前、售中、售后我們全程攜手,考察、培訓、指導我們全部免費。

Products and Services

Sincerely provide you with imported pump localization, pump set mapping and pump energy saving upgrade services

Cooperative Partner

We rely on reliable quality, high-quality service, Adhering to the business philosophy of "the times are changing, the integrity remains unchanged",
and we help our customers to achieve success.
